Saturday, 22 December 2018

Innovation everywhere except with money

As the fight against Bitcoin continues

Terence Zimwara

Imagine getting a 1971 Land Cruiser as part of your perks for that new job you just landed. Or try picturing this, a teenage receiving a stereo from the 70s as a gift from her brother who happens to be much younger than the gift itself!

The outcome of the two scenarios above is quite predictable, a total rejection of the offer yet that is exactly what the financial elites have been doing.

 Money has not evolved as has everything else since it adopted its current form in 1971 and strangely we accept this. Richard Nixon, then US President, set a worldwide trend when he announced the temporary suspension of the gold standard currency and the birth of fiat currency. Almost fifty years later, fiat currency remains the medium of exchange of virtually every country.

In fact, today few people understand the gold standard--the previous money system widely used prior to 1971-- many are now accustomed to floating currencies and the associated inflation.

It is curious that only money has lagged behind as many other facets of our lives have changed. We used to have LP records, audio cassettes, alarms, video cassettes, compact discs, memory cards, wrist watches but they have all come and gone, making way for better products.

We had a fax machine once but it has become outdated, we no longer send telegrams because we now have better ways to relay information quickly. Of course we cannot talk about innovation without mentioning the internet. The internet itself gave birth to a host of new products and it has become hard to keep up with the inventions.

So why have we not seen disruptive innovations in the currency arena as well? Why have the controls or regulations that guarantee a monopoly to currency issuers increased over the years?
Usually when a product or service fails to perform, it usually spurs on a race by entrepreneurs to try to find a solution, by designing alternatives. When an alternative succeeds, the old product is gradually phased out yet this does not seem to apply to fiat currencies!

Since 1971, countries have experienced monetary problems that culminated in the collapse of their respective fiat currencies. Surprisingly, every time this happened, clueless governments have simply hoodwinked citizens by introducing yet another paper money, with the promise that it will not collapse. 

Immediately after a currency is rebased or reintroduced, government officials will start another process of debasement (depreciating it) by repeating the same policies that resulted in runaway inflation and devaluation of currency.

Famous academic, Albert Einstein, once described insanity as the act of doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. The failure to reform the way currency is created fits with Einstein’s conclusion that governments are either insane because they keep resurrecting a failed currency system or they are deliberating creating giant Ponzi/Pyramid schemes disguised as money to impoverish hardworking people.

Today, the currency debasement phenomenon is no longer an aberration, citizens are actually pre-conditioned to expect this, the budget deficits or interest rates manipulation.

 However, the growing recurrence of currency crises has simultaneously had many people questioning the very foundation of money. It is this sort of questioning that ultimately led to the emergence of crypto-currencies.

Nevertheless, it has to be noted that between 1971 and 2008, there were several attempts to create an alternative to fiat currencies that are issued by central banks, but every time those efforts were crushed. Government leaders acknowledge the flaws of the present system of currencies, but choose to ignore this because of the power that the system gives them.

Consequently, private citizens who have attempted to run parallel systems have been fined, they have been hit with heavy lawsuits and sometimes even jailed. Others saw the state using frustrating tactics to stop such private currency initiatives. For example, Italian lawyer Giacinto Auriti introduced his own paper money, a culmination of his long-running campaign against central banks and their monopoly on money production. In 2000 the Italian financial police, the Guardia di Finanza, shut down his experiment.

Apparently, there is an agreement between monetary authorities globally that the monopoly to create money is non-negotiable. It does not matter if the country is a communist state, a totalitarian state, a dictatorship or a fully fledged democratic state. They all want the exclusive rights to issue currency for selfish reasons--wealth accumulation and power.

So for a long time, academics and social commentators have a waged the battle to against this system without much break through.

Friedrich Hayek, a famous Austrian economist and a Nobel Prize winner, is one prominent figure to publicly call for the establishment of competitively issued private moneys in his book, The Denationalization of Money published in 1976.

Hayek famously made this quote, ‘I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.’

He went further,’ I fear that since ‘Keynesian’ propaganda has filtered through to the masses, has made inflation respectable and provided agitators with arguments which the professional politicians are unable to refute, the only way to avoid being driven by continuing inflation into a controlled and directed economy, and therefore ultimately in order to save civilisation, will be to deprive governments of their power over the supply of money.’

It is remarkable that Hayek made the observation less than 5 years after fiat currency was introduced. There was a problem with fiat currencies then but the problem would only grow, first culminating in the 1987 New York stock market crush and finally the financial recession of 2008 caused by New York banks.

There is so much evidence pointing to an eventual collapse of currencies and naturally governments should be drawing up plans to pre-empt this sort scenario.
It is thus bewildering that creative minds are being persecuted for creating or supporting alternatives to national currencies. Across much of the Western capitals, people have been arrested for trading in crypto-currencies while Bitcoin exchanges have been shut down and others hacked.

It did not end there, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged central banks to fight crypto-currencies. True to form, central banks are frustrating crypto-currency traders. Just recently in Kenya, a client who wished to purchase Bitcoin had a nightmare when a bank refused to clear a transaction only to reverse it after seven days.

Unbeknown to the client, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) seems to have an agenda against Bitcoin because apparently, when the same transaction was repeated but only this time, the client simply stated the reason for the payment just as ‘business’ without referring to Bitcoin, the payment went through smoothly.

It is these kinds of tactics that effectively scare potential users of Bitcoin, at least in the short term, because by threatening to lock out those embracing crypto-currencies from their funds inside banks, central banks achieve their immediate objective—blocking a quick and significant embrace of Bitcoin.

However, without offering an alternative that at least matches Bitcoin, no central bank will be able to stop Bitcoin or alt coins. The long honeymoon is over, the Blockchain technology was created to fight the central bank system and after nearly fifty years of zero innovation, the fight looks to be over before it has even begun.

Central banks particularly those in Africa, should actually pioneer embrace of digital currencies by incorporating crypto-currencies into their financial systems to reduce exposure to volatile world currencies.

So when the rest of the world follows suit, the continent central banks will be at an advantage.

Terence Zimwara is a Zimbabwe based writer, economic analyst and crypto-currency enthusiast. You can contact him on +263 771799901 or email

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